I know this is short notice, but several community members have reaches out about doing something along the lines of a Christmas giving tree type of event.. Linda Gilcrease, Melissa Worthington and Nisqually Meadows hoa are working together to take on this responsibly of coronating between families needing help and people willing to help a family. Nisqually Meadows HOA is only using their resources to the community they will not be providing any funds for this activity They will be collecting names of families that need help in our neighborhood this holiday season.
There are forms below for nomination, or needing adopted or email in your nomination. Please fill out the form the best you can and have it turned in by Dec. 5th. On Dec. 7th 2022 we will send out a list for those who wish to buy for a family. If you wish to donate instead of buy for a family Melissa will also accept donations and spilt it between the families at the end or those who still need gifts. No names, address, or any contact information will be giving to either party; All contact is through Melissa Worthington (Nisqually Meadows HOA) and Linda Gilcrease.
Rules: 1. Must be part of the Nisqually Meadows Community.
2. Must have needing adopted and nominations in no later than December 5th. Gifts for families to Melissa by Dec 20th.
3. You can still apply even if your will be traveling or away from your home for the holidays. However, you must tell Melissa or Linda, so they will not deliver the packages during your absence.
4. The purpose of the giving tree program is to provide a family with small tokens of appreciation. It is not meant to provide everything on the family’s wish list.
5. The gift requests should range between $20 and $50 per family member.
6. Deliver unwrapped gifts to 10416 Brighton St (Melissa Loves to wrap) with label for which family number and person
7. You may write a thank you letter or note to your sponsor. Please return letter to Melissa or send to HOA@nisquallymeadowshoa.com and she will forward to your sponsor.
8. Melissa and Linda will coordinate and delivery of your donated gifts with the families, ensuring everyone has their items before December 23rd.
contact information. Hoa Email: HOA@nisquallyMeadowshoa.com Melissa Worthington: 10416 Brighton St SE, she's on Face book too. Facebook: Nisqually Meadows HOA Website: NisquallyMeadowsHoa.com/ Announcements Nomination form https://forms.gle/XvLhX9b1woAhhXup8