I had a personal family issues arise sorry this is late. It’s that time of year again, and Nisqually Meadows is having another Halloween decorating contest! So, carve those pumpkins, get out the goblins, dust off your creativity, and come up with a great display for your houses, lawns, and porches.
Decoration Contest Rules:
1. In order to be eligible, you must live in the Nisqually Meadows Community and the contest is open to all residents including homeowners, renters, board members to decorate.
2. There is only one vote allowed per household. On Halloween night we will open voting to visitors. Resident Voting is between October 24- Nov 1st. Guess voting is Oct 31st only. Prizes for 1st 2nd and drawing for participation will be delivered the first weekend of November.
3. The contest is not limited to Halloween related decorations only. Fall decorated or themed houses are included in this contest, you don’t need be scary. Show everyone your best fall decorations and challenge the other contestants! Melissa drove around to take photos (10/26/22) if you haven't decorated yet and do please reach out. She will be delivering the QR code this weekend.
4. The top two contestants and participation drawing will be awarded with prizes. prizes 1st $75 walmart gift card 2nd $ 50 walmart gift card Drawing $ 20 walmart gift card Right now there is 60 homes participating
5. You do not have to decorate to vote for your favorite display.
6. Voters can vote via the Facebook HOA page, HOA email (HOA@nisquallymeadowshoa.com), Vote by Scanning QR code or by going to https://www.nisquallymeadowshoa.com/upcoming-events-meetings. form attached below
7. Winners will be notified the first week of November. 8. Residents can decorate up to the 31st, if you do decorate the weekend before or day of please let the HOA know so you can be entered into the drawing.
9. Votes submitted before or after this deadline will not be counted
Vote HERE: https://forms.gle/jzD1ZgwihkCzqv9R9
Pumpkin carving contest Rules: **Walmart has pumpkins as of Tuesday for $2 each. 1. Must be a physical Pumpkin (real or fake) that can be carved. 2. Must be able to light 3. You can use stencils or do it free hand; the possibilities are endless. 4. To enter, send Photos of lite and non-lite versions of the pumpkins to HOA@nisquallyMeadowshoa.com or contact a board member to come take photos. (In order to be eligible, you must live in the Nisqually Meadows Community and the contest is open to all residents including homeowners, renters, & board members.) 5. More than one entry per household is welcome as long as they are done by someone else in the household and in their own photos. For example, my house has 3 people I can enter 3 carved pumpkins. 6. Nisqually Meadows residence will vote and the carving with most votes wins. Residents that enter the contest get one vote per a pumpkin entry. Everyone else gets one vote per household 7. Voting is between October 28-31st. Prizes for 1st and 2nd will be delivered the first weekend of November. prizes 1st $15 Walmart gift card 2nd $10 Walmart gift card 8. Residents can enter a carved pumpkin up to the 31st, but it is better to Enter sooner than later
9. Votes submitted before or after this deadline will not be counted
Sample entry attached
Vote HERE: https://forms.gle/irtbteFUH8iKncSM8
Upcoming Events Christmas / Holiday Light contest
And possibly TRIVIA If you have any questions please reach out. Thank you
Nisqually Meadows HOA Board.